Dr Ashutosh Misra (Chair), Mr Matthew Hayden AM, Mr Stephen Illidge (proxy for Dr Amy Illidge) Mr Matt Connor (Business and Accounts advisor), Dr Jacqueline Drew (Griffith University), Mr Muthuraj Guruswamy (Raj Business Consultants), Dr Amol Wagholikar (Adjunct Fellow and observer), Ms Sweta Misra (University of Queensland) and through teleconferencing Dr Michael Clarke (Australian National University) and Dr Sarah Jane Kelly (University of Queensland).
IAIE’s AGM was held on 16 June in which Dr Sarah Jane Kelly, Dr Jacqueline Drew, Dr Amol Wagholikar, Dr Ram Mohan, Dr Ashutosh Misra, Mr Shaun Star, Mr Muthuraj Guruswamy and Mr Matthew Hayden and Ms Sweta Misra (through phone) participated.