Ambassador Virendra Gupta

Ambassador Virendra Gupta retired as a diplomat in 2016 after completing 37 years with the Indian Foreign Service. He served as India’s High Commissioner in Tanzania, Trinidad & Tobago and finally South Africa. He also served as Deputy Director General of India’s largest security studies think tank, the Institute for defence Studies and Analyses (IDSA) and as Director General of the Indian Council for Cultural Relations (ICCR).

He is currently associated with a number of non-governmental organisations and think tanks and takes active interest in international relations and public policy issues. As President of well known NGO ‘Antar Rashtriya Sahyog Parishad’ he is particularly focussed on Indian diaspora and neighbourhood issues.

He has edited several books including ‘Pakistan Occupied Kashmir – Untold Story’, ‘India’s Neighbourhood – Challenges Ahead’ and ‘Energy Security : Asia Pacific Perspectives’ and has contributed chapters in various books including a recent publication ‘The Modi Doctrine: New Paradigms in India’s Foreign Policy’. He has been regularly writing on topical issues in various prestigious newspapers and magazines.

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