Dr Jacqueline Drew

Dr Jacqueline Drew has over 20 years of experience in law enforcement both as a practitioner and researcher across Australian police agencies. She is a Fellow of the Institute of Managers and Leaders. Her ability to build police-researcher partnerships is demonstrated through her continued collaboration with police agencies achieving consultancy and research outcomes. Dr Drew has worked with police agencies on numerous partnership projects in the area of cybercrime, leading one of the first Australian cybercrime projects in an Australian police agency focused on online fraud. She has significant experience in the development and use of interviews with both police personnel and victims, as well as expertise in the analysis of cybercrime investigative processes, cybercrime prevention programs and investigative training of law enforcement personnel. As a psychologist she has provided expert advice to law enforcement related to cybercrime victimisation and conducts training with police detectives in cybercrime victimology. Dr Drew also has a strong research interest in the organisational psychology of policing. Her work involves an Australian first study on the systematic review of police suicide deaths in Queensland. She has collaborated with police to improve police leadership, understand career paths of women police and work towards best practice in police promotion systems. Dr Drew’s international reputation is evidenced as an invited Australian visiting police scholar to the Federal Bureau of Investigation National Academy (FBINA). And she was the only invited Australian academic policing scholar to the Police Executive Research Forum/New York Police Department Symposium on Suicide by Members of Law Enforcement. Since 2011, Dr Drew has been an invited keynote and speaker at more than 26 academic and industry conferences and forums. Dr Drew is frequently called upon by the online, print, radio and television media. Since 2013 she has had more 25 media appearances including on ABC, Channel Seven and Channel Nine news programs, numerous local and national radio programs, and in print and online media such as the Sunday Mail, Courier Mail, ABC News Online, Brisbane Times, WA Today and the Age.

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