Prime Minister’s meeting with prominent Australian personalities May 23, 2023
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In November 2021, Bennett University signed a Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) with the Australia-based Institute for Australia India Engagement (IAIE) to create opportunities for students to undertake internships in Australia. As a part of the MoU students are inducted into the Student Mentoring and Research Training (SMART) program which provides research and leadership training and mentoring and an opportunity to design, edit and publish commentaries on Australia-India relationship, for the INDIA NEWS and IAIE’s SMART Newsletter.
Institute for Australia India Engagement (IAIE) represents a vibrant conglomeration of academic experts, research analysts, policy-practitioners, corporate professionals, and sport leaders in Australia and India, who have left an indelible mark in their respective fields with their writings, performances and achievements over the years. They are the leading lights who share a common and strong yearning for deeper mutual understanding and engagements between Australia and India and complement the objectives of Australia-India Strategic Partnership.
IAIE’s uniqueness rests in the rich perspectives of its members, shaped over the years through lived experiences in both countries, and first-hand knowledge of socio-political culture, language, history, bureaucratic processes and government functioning. This uniqueness inspires our motto: the deeper we understand each other, better we engage.
India is the third largest energy consumer in the world and is heavily dependent on imports to meet its energy requirements.
Demographically, India is a young country with around 44 percent of the people under the age of 25 which can become an enormous asset for its growth and progress.
The Australia India Strategic Partnership of 2009 lays strong emphasis on bilateral cooperation in the field of defence and security.
The term Indo-Pacific has featured in academic writings, media discussions and policy debates since 2007.
As the 21st century inches towards the conclusion of the second decade, our increasingly busy lifestyle, professional and personal stress, food habits and addiction…
It would not be an exaggeration to say that following the dip in bilateral relations in the late 1990s, business and trade engagements became the cornerstone of bilateral ties.
In the 1993 issue of Foreign Affairs, Samuel P. Huntington hypothesised that “the fundamental source of conflict in this new world will not be primarily ideological or primarily economic [but]…cultural”.
IAIE enshrine the provision for establishing nodes or chapters in other states and territories in Australia and India to achieve greater institutional outreach, ideational synergy, community involvement, stakeholder interactions and policy impact.
177352total visits,98visits today
177352total visits,98visits today
177352total visits,98visits today
177352total visits,98visits today
177352total visits,98visits today
177352total visits,98visits today
177352total visits,98visits today
177352total visits,98visits today